haier electronics and neurosky have collaborated on a ‘smart TV’ (no image available) whose activity is controlled by the brainwaves of users as measured by neurosky EEG headsets

haier electronics in collaboration with neurosky has produced a ‘smart TV’ whose activity is controlled via the brainwaves of watchers. on exhibition at IFA 2011 in berlin from september 2nd through 7th, the device is expected to be available in china this october.

the television is powered by neurosky’s thinkgear technology, which detects and processes human brainwave patterns as obtained via a headset. the company has produced a series of educational and entertainment applications for use with the technology, but haier’s ‘cloud smart TV’ is the first device designed with a brain-computer interface (BCI).

haier + neurosky: brain controlled TV full (left) and detail views of ‘mindset’ headpiece

haier + neurosky: brain controlled TV full view of ‘mindwave’ headset

david westendorf of neurosky demos the ‘mindset’ handset

visualization of brain data obtained by the neurosky headsets

via akihabara

haier + neurosky: brain controlled TV

design-aerobics 2011: TECH GADGETS course september 15 – november 15, 2011 as more and more technological objects find their way into everyday life

designboom will hold an online design course on the theme of ‘tech-gadgets’. we’ll look at the most significant designs yet and ponder what might be around the corner. to see a lesson sample and information on how to enroll click here.