Fairytale Chair

Fairytale Chair by VARG from colombia

designer's own words:

The idea is to create, through the concept of the contextualized magic in the ancient hand scripts craved on rock, which stood out for allowing a visual appreciation like the tact. Following the idea written before, different types of symbols craved with a meaning, that could produce a story like the Braille writting system. The story, can be understood by the user only by touching with his hands, because the user it is not acquainted with the language.

The role that the dream chair plays is to be the surface where the story is going to be craved working as a tactile decoder, when the user passes his hands by the surface and also there are lines of light which are going to be generated simultaneously over the surface to form shapes which are going to tell the story that the symbols narrate.

The number of possible stories is almost infinite, because they will changeaccording to the order which the symbols are touched. If the user sits a lot of time on the chair and his heart rhythm decreases for the reason of sleeping on it, the chair will send out a light flash for inducting the user in a REM dream, with the objective that the user always will dream when he/she sleeps on it.

Fairytale Chair
Fairytale Chair
Lexus staging
Fairytale Chair
Life Style
Fairytale Chair
Story Board
Fairytale Chair
Fairytale Chair
Thecnology Available