Resonating Frequency

Resonating Frequency by Andrew Chen from usa

designer's own words:

This interactive installation was a project done in a class to augment a branding project for the SETI(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute. My prototype was built out of basic foam core and a 9ft wide seamless white background sheet. In order to let the prototype to be movable I had used velcro as the glue so I could take the form apart when needed. I cut a large circle out of the seamless background and cut a slit through it to create a cone that would lay into my foam core structure. In order to make it interactive, the integration of Processing and Open TSPS (Kinect) was needed. SETI recieves millions of radio signals a day from space and they are searching for the one signal that is abnormal and can tell them that there is some form of Alien technology out there in space. I had re-envisioned their brand and had created a identity system that created icons and patterns to symbolize invisible radio waves. This installation immerses the user into a field of pulsating particles that reveal information on interaction, similar to how SETI researchers decrypt signals they receive from space.

Live prototype is tracking 3 people and displaying information
Resonating Frequency
A main quote is displayed in the center of the circle once four areas are activated
Resonating Frequency
Kinect sensor tracks people and information appears as the user hovers over certain areas
Resonating Frequency
Process picture of prototype setup and small-sized mock up.
Resonating Frequency
A picture of the prototype in its dormant state with no interaction.