D3 (D cube) by azurylin from usa
designer's own words:
Curiosity caused by uncertainty
A penny is worth little enough to ignore and oftentimes having pennies can be problematic because of its low practicality. Ironically, a penny also symbolizes good luck that many use it as a wishing coin. However, only few are willing to give such small fortune and bless to help others. In a prosperous city like New York filled with 8 million souls, there are more than 50,900 homeless men, women and children who bed down each night in the cold and a penny (from each individual) can cater them.
Facts of 1 cent:
-Ethical: To promote and help the homeless
-Social: People do not know what to do with a penny
-Production: the cost of making a penny is more than the worth of a penny
-Culture: 1 cent for good luck (Benjamin Franklin)
-Economic: Bank policy discourage people from exchanging loose change.
Using New York city as a case study, design of D3 intends to install at public spaces in the city to not only collect handful of loose change but also raise public awareness and money for people in need.
MATERIAL: Aluminum, Glass, LED light
Construction Drawing
Logo and Operation
Night time