kaleidoscopes by Gyöngyi from hungary
designer's own words:
In order to examine the world around us I created special kaleidoscopes. They are inverted kaleidoscopes. Because of their forms and surfaces the can show the whole space they are in.
Usual kaleidoscopes only show the world behind them. But these ones can show the whole environment because of their convex and concave forms. Even if you look at their external surface or look inside. You can not even decide where to find the edge of external and internal surface. These curved forms create a special mixture of views of the world around us.
All these objects are about playing with perceptions. You can decide wich you prefer, the strange fluid world reflected on the surface or the realistic environment around us.
kaleidoscopes on trees 1
kaleidoscopes on trees 2
kaleidoscopes in the meadow
kaleidoscope with two faces
kaleidoscopes with coloured walls
technical drawing