vampire bud

vampire bud by Risa Kagami from japan

designer's own words:

Concept :
Human’s action let the “bud lamps” come into blossom, as flowers bloom with sun light and water. The idea is simply from the blooming process of the flower, but the point is that human movements could be the energy to bloom “flowers”.

System :
The system follows the GPS information of people and calculates the attraction level in the space.
Each bud lamp has a stem suspended from the ceiling. According to the statistics of attraction level, the stems could be extended like handle of folding umbrella, the illuminance of LED light changes and also the bud lamps bloom gradually.

Structure and Material :
The bud lamp is composed of the steel frame which rotates with hinge structure and controls the membrane transformation. The membrane would be glass fiber and create different hyper-paraboloid shape in each level.

Scene :
The lamps transform and move in vertical with stems and create another ceiling-like layer in the space. We can create various lamp-layer by our behavior. Lamps follow people and people follow lamps.

vampire bud
vampire bud
human attraction
vampire bud
transforming process
vampire bud
vampire bud
kinetic surface