DICECOVER by mansour ourasanah from usa
designer's own words:
Discovering new things can quickly become a boring chore if the process is repetitive and unexciting. Paradoxically, curiosity is the driving force in human discovery. Dicecover is a playful tool designed to excite our innate curiosity, stimulate our playful nature, and invite us to learn more about the world in which we live.
Dicecover is made up of two parts: an audio-and-sensor-enabled electronic map and an electronic polychromatic dice (6 colors.) Each side of the dice is a completely different color and each color represents a unique category of facts about continental regions of the world. Yellow represents History, Green is Geography, Blue is Climate, Orange is Culture, Red is Economy, and Pink represents Demographics. To play the game, the user randomly throws the dice on the board; the color on the upper surface of dice activates the board’s knowledge bank linked to that specific color and a random fact is played on the board’s speakers. The user is prompted to throw the dice again until he has learned something unique about the five continents that make up our planet.
Dicecover uses chance to initiate a fun discovery process for the user. Rolling the dice is a continuously exciting act that will always yield an unexpected result.