
Jetflycar by Maximus from mexico

designer's own words:

Background of the work:
At present there are a number of prototype flying vehicles , examples : Terrafugia or TF- X , and another set of ideas that include more than a high performance aircraft , a number of attempts as Gyrocopters aircraft or aircraft that do not exceed 500 kph . From there curious to know if was there any way to create a vehicle current technologies layers from a car and a fully functional jet ? By this we mean that their capabilities are comparable with those of the one car and high performance aircraft .

Production process:
The production process would be the creation of 2 floors which initially would create two separate structures , no more different than a manufacturing plant for aircraft, car , even each part could be manufactured in different places and later assembled , each model would be tested and finally enter the market once resolving legal statutes and transit air space .
Materials: Mainly carbon fibers and titanium alloys, it is possible to reduce costs by replacing titanium other metal alloys , but this can reduce the performance of the aircraft.

Vehicle airplane mode. Maximum speed: 792 Km / h, cruising speed: 780 Km / h Flight range: 1992.56 km, Service ceiling: 13,151 m Empty weight: 925 kg, loaded weight: 3,312 kg Maximum Weight: 4,832 kg. These are similar to theoretical data d aircraft and similar design features such as the HondaJet … It is also important to mention that the link between the body of the car and the plane\’s fuselage establish an electronic connection with controls of the aircraft surfaces
Tow mode: the unit can serve as a trailer, and be moved to any destination
the jet begins its transformation trailer with two small decline whose ends have rough legs which enable them to support and move, expanding the fuselage adjacent to the aircraft nose enough to allow ascent deploy a ramp
and then car can climb the ramp and attached to the fuselage, sensors monitor the position of the car and 8 clamping bars firmly secure it to the fuselage, it also sent through systems of optical information to operate the aircraft in addition to pressurize the interior vehicle, finally descend again both to collapse the legs small fuselage and completely fit to the body.
The car has a pressurized system and despite being of sedans, is wider and longer due to hardware, for passengers and drivers is important to use communication aids for protection from noise, however the vehicle is sealed by 50 % against external noise and the engines are 30% quieter.
The trailer mode JetCar has sufficient dimensions to circular legally allowed in most of the roads as if it were a common trailer. The trailer mode speed is 261km / h, Maximum speed: 395Km / h Vehicle weight is only: 1,993 Kg has Engine: Fuel Saved V8/V6 Ranked: Cruise Mode 19 Km / L, turbo mode 5Km / L