DISKUS STATISTIKUS by ehsan aghdami from germany
designer's own words:
A simple plate can be used beyond its conventional role as a food container. Because each person eats several times a day, so dishes (specifically plates), as an inseparable part of modern eating culture, could be used as an informative medium of making healthy diet during the eating time, effectively. The purpose of making health awareness is reached using representation of diet-related statistics in an aesthetic way. Purposefully, the explanations are placed on the back side, so it results in a timeless and attractive design.
Moreover, three distinct patterns enable to depict a wide range of nutrition-oriented facts in a very flexible way.
First Service: Comparing Shuger in several snakes
2nd Service:Comparing the Energy required for cool activities.
3rd Service: Coparing 6 nutritions for 4 several foods
The beauty of healthy eating