tower of future

tower of future by yang rong from china

designer's own words:

tower of future is a temple of bright. everyday, the sun comes up in the east. so, the east is the direction of future. future is like the morning sun shine from the east. it is bright and warm with happiness and peace. It is a kind of power from god which is full of hope and opportunities. therefore, we should build a temple to enshrine and worship this power. it is a twisted building face toward the orient which comes from square to round. this symbolizes a traditional ideology:“round sky, square earth” which is used to encouraging people to work hard for the bumper harvest. every morning people can go to the tower and be bathed in the golden rays of the morning sun. they can make a wish and receive the power of the bright future. also it can be the place to celebrate festivals.

it is a temple of bright
tower of future
face toward the morning sun
tower of future
tower of future
outside top view
tower of future
inside top view
tower of future
hello! bright future