The Suit Sofa

The Suit Sofa by Cameron Youds from china

designer's own words:

"The Suit Sofa" is the new all-in-one contemporary chesterfield, chaise longue, day bed/ guest sleeper, gallery bench, clubber couch and any other combination sofa that you can dream up.

It is a fusion of multipurpose Japanese furniture that has been reinforced with a chesterfield inspired modular grid that allows users to control their environment. The sofa got it's name The Suit because it of its ability to accommodate in any situation, much like a mans favorite tailored suit.

This concept was conceived at a trendy rooftop lounge that featured a series of large oversized chesterfield ottomans. The kind that are part ottoman, part bed. "I was watching people trying to make themselves comfortable on these expansive platform chesterfields that led me to dream up the idea of interlocking cushions that might fit into the button holes of the chesterfield. I took that simple idea and refined it and at the same time redefined what a chesterfield could be that led me to the Suit sofa."-CY

The Suit Sofa
The Suit Sofa
The Suit Sofa