neuroknitting: scarves made from brainwavesall images © mar canet



researching the possible uses of brain and body signals for multi-modal interaction, a collaboration between artists varvara guljajeva, mar canet and MTG researcher sebastian mealla, introduces ‘neuroknitting’, a collection of scarves made with ‘knitic’, an open hardware knitting machine that translates brainwaves into physical garments. using a wearable, non-invasive EEG headset, the system records a users’ effective brain state while listening to music – specifically when hearing bach’s ‘goldberg variations’. after down-sampling 10 minutes of data into special software, the knitting machine measures signals from relaxation, excitement, and cognitive load responses, converting the wave-lengths into a unique pattern.



neuroknitting: scarves made from brainwave activity

the project uses digital framework to create bicolored knitting patterns



‘neuroknitting’video courtesy varvara



neuroknitting: scarves made from brainwave activity

the collection of scarves are made with an open hardware knitting machine that translates brainwaves into physical garments



neuroknitting: scarves made from brainwave activity

‘neuroknitting’ researches the possible uses of brain and body signals for multi-modal interaction



neuroknitting: scarves made from brainwave activity

using a wearable, non-invasive EEG headset, the system records a users’ effective brain state while listening to music




neuroknitting: scarves made from brainwave activity

the machine measures signals from relaxation, excitement, and cognitive load responses, converting the wave-lengths into unique scarves