resinance: smart materials and swarm-like interactionsimages courtesy materiability research network



exploring the potential use of smart materials in an architectural context, ‘resinance’, a project developed by the students of MA of advanced studies class at the chair for CAAD  is strongly influenced by the behavior of simple organic life forms – in particular the formation of cellular colonies – represents an ecology of functional units that both work autonomously, but also in coordination with their neighboring components. consisting of 40 active elements that gradually change their surface color in response to human touch, each device is equipped with a second actuator, providing transparency to the slow transformation that directly responds through shivers and vibrations. produced from rotationally molded polyester resin that is enhanced with thermo-chromatic pigments, the units choreograph the behavior of the particular clusters and transmit the current state of each element to its adjacent counterpart. depending on the tactile input of the individual volumes the installation network develops autonomous, unpredictable swarm-like behavior.



‘resinance’images courtesy materiability research network



resinance: smart materials and swarm-like interactions

the swarm-like interactions explore the potential use of smart materials in an architectural context



resinance: smart materials and swarm-like interactions

the ecology of functional units work autonomously, in coordination with their neighboring units



resinance: smart materials and swarm-like interactions

each device is equipped with an actuator, providing transparency to the slow transformation that directly responds through shivers and vibrations


 resinance: smart materials and swarm-like interactionsdepending on the tactile input of the individual volumes the installation network develops autonomous, unpredictable swarm-like behavior



project information:


created by:


baldwin markin jessica janjusevic tihomirjiang nanletkemann joel miranda turu nicolásprieler irene schildberger david
shammas demetrissmigielska mariatanigaito akixexaki evixydis achilleasyuko ishizu




benjamin dillenburger and hironori yoshida, CAAD
weixin huang and lei yu, tsinghua university, china
tomasz jaskiewicz and mariana popescu, hyperbody, TU delft, netherlands
andrei pruteanu and stefan dulman, embedded software group, TU delft, netherlands



via creative applications