light it by Zarakuda from hungary
designer's own words:
The name of my design “light IT” stands for itself. The user could grab an OLED panel and attach on the metal wire wherever he wants. Than just the electric tension needed to be increased in the wire and the panels start to move thus the OLED bamboo forest become alive and the opportunities of the dynamic lighting system can be enjoyed.
The costumer could decide how many pieces he would want to attach to the wires. If he or she becomes bored with the layout of the OLED wire he or she could easily rearrange the OLED’s place and amount on the wires.
I designed my idea for hotels hall’s, restaurants and for company halls. In few years’ time when the technology will be cheaper it could be reached by more people because it has got a great advantage that costumer could decide how many panels would he want and could pay for.
At my design I used 30 bendable panels but it is adjustable. It just depends on costumer wish.
The construction is easy to be manufactured both U formed OLED’s metal frame and wire could be cut out from metal plate.
OLED panel:
The bendable OLED panel is glued to the U formed metal frame from the bottom. During the manufacturing process of the memorable intelligent frame it could be programed. This programing possibility provides the metal to bend if it gets electric tension. At zero tension it is in a flat position but when it increase it bends and because the frame is connected to the OLED it will illuminate.
At both end of each OLED panel there are magnets with that the panels are attached to the wire.
The electric power in each wire could be controlled separately with a remote controller or it could be controlled from smartphone. The power could be increased or decreased manually or it could be programed to change it automatically thus the intensity of the light will change as well providing a dynamic lighting system. Music rhythm could be connected with the change of electric tension thus making a vibrating lighting surface.
The wires don’t need electrical insulation because of the little electric tension that is provided by the secured electric transformer. An electric transformer is attached to every each wire in order to control each wire separately.
The arrangement of the wires could be different it could be a folding screen or a rounded form; it depends on the costumers wish.
BambooOLED panel[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373693/2013-05-10/video_1_1368220137_e935b097732607cc4edbf0cc8c22ec54.mp4″ html5_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373693/2013-05-10/video_1_1368220137_e935b097732607cc4edbf0cc8c22ec54.mp4″ download_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373693/2013-05-10/video_1_1368220137_e935b097732607cc4edbf0cc8c22ec54.mp4″]video
OLED panel views
OLED system – folding screen, rounded wire arrangement
OLED panel attachment[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373693/2013-05-10/video_2_1368220137_c3fda361080db0bc14595e0a01a3acf5.mp4″ html5_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373693/2013-05-10/video_2_1368220137_c3fda361080db0bc14595e0a01a3acf5.mp4″ download_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373693/2013-05-10/video_2_1368220137_c3fda361080db0bc14595e0a01a3acf5.mp4″]video
OLED panel exploded view