‘the life of an overtaxed surface’ by vera hausmann, till maria jürgens and vitus schuhwerkthe metal-coated foil is still relaxed



‘the life of an overtaxed surface” by vera hausmann, till maria jürgens and vitus schuhwerk responds to ‘talktome’, a project brief initiated by professor andreas muxel at the köln international school of design. the square surface consists of a thin metal coated foil, transformed with invisible string connected to servo-motors and an arduino board, which senses, if somebody comes close. through squeezing and releasing, the flat motion turns into a spatial transformation and expands towards the user. this resulting surface dynamically generates new surprising patterns. the intensity of expression is determined by the user’s interaction.



@><#!!!   the life of an overtaxed surface it reacts by proximity and physical interaction





@><#!!!   the life of an overtaxed surface the foil needs some time to relax after overtaxing



@><#!!!   the life of an overtaxed surface the foil reacts more intensive to more than one interaction



@><#!!!   the life of an overtaxed surface an arduino board controls the interaction.



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.