
mywear by sam from canada

designer's own words:

The concept of burials and the environmental impact of traditional methods needs to be addressed not only by the funeral direction industry but by the public as well.
Currently it costs an average of 7300 us to bury a loved one and 1650 to cremate. Although statistical data shows that more people are choosing cremation, it is still subject to leaving a fairly substantial carbon footprint.

Recently, artist Jae Rhim Lee, has been working extensively with the concept of using Mycelium as both an accelerator to the decomposition process and the conversion of residual toxins into environmentally friendly elements.

The issue or “concept” we are addressing is the “envelope” or “package” that the Mycelium is contained. The design produced by Jae Rhim Lee, although highly effecient ignores a very important issue. Would the majority of people be accepting of the form and aesthetic of the suit.

According to recent statistical data, 71% of Americans are still being buried using traditional caskets and using traditional methods of body preparation. Although cremation is becoming more popular (36%), caskets are still the most widely accepted tradition.
This means that the deceased are still dressed in a number of ways using “regular” clothing. Whether it be a suit, dress or more contemporary outfits. We are proposing that the concept of the Mycilium method be adopted into the fabrication of “specialty” wear tailored specifically for burying loved ones.
We have clothing being developed every day to contend with the advances in technology, sporting, and fashion wear. Why could we not do the same for “burials”.
