the imaginary curtain

the imaginary curtain by kushalsethi from india

designer's own words:

1.The MoonLight :

write up:
Recycled Woven fabric, developed from old rustic Audio Tapes. Gone are the days of listening classics or oldies or hip hops, or raps on cassette tapes, but we sure an RE- live them through using them in some parts of our lives.

Strategy – Diversifying the waste to useful yet funky look , leaving the landfills, and living the rooms of our leisure.

Although audio tapes are considered the old and rusty material, what I have been able to achieve here is a very modern look by using the tapes as my special weft. The look is recreated based on my theme – “CRYSTAL”

Through Pointed drafting , and combination of analogous colors in shiny polyester and viscose blend yarns for the warp and weft , the look which has been achieved is that of , Crisp yet Delicate,
Sharp yet malleable, Reflective yet matte, all in all together an amalgam of tough and yet soft…Only wish one could also hear the nostalgic tunes on these tapes when they drape a product.

When I say”: Go Green”, I mean Re Use, Recycle, Reduce, in literal terms and not just because the sustainability is a FAD now. Let’s be honest to ourselves and really reuse materials, and not create products by buying new materials off the shelf, which look old.

As this fabric, is crisp, yet delicate and malleable, it would be ideal for curtains.
Also due to a manufacturing glitch, that if we cut it across grain there is chance of damaging the tapes, but if used as it is in running material, the tapes will stay intact.

materials : Audio Tape with Nylon Yarns
manufactured : Pearl Academy
Technique : Weaving

2.Funk It Up :

write up :
Perspective..A big word for a small being!
Its a thought one often needs to mull over,
Its about, where?
Where one stands, or where one is headed or even the path one has chosen to explore.

Life may have been many things to many people..a race, a stroll, a ride..
I have, on several occasions wondered what it was to me, and all I could understand was a simile to..

And strangely, a obvious fact to me has always been that. But, as blissful as that may sound, its not just been the tones of colour splashed brilliantly around, its been more of a blend, of every shade imaginable.
My passion for creativity could never be a one I could conceal, it has rather, been one most openly pledged by each slow or quick paced step I took in my walk in the woods, which is precisely why each element that paints the scenery around me, calls out to me, with clarity of, how each shade, texture, colour, each beam of light..have some meaning to my tasteless life prior to my expedition in the woods..a passage to self a design devotee, and how the absence of a shade of any colour, the brightness of the tone of any light, made it so dull.
With each cautious step on a path covered with roots of luscious green overhead covers, with prickles to leave scars or scorching heat to make travels a hard, the passionate creative eye has never quite grown tired of the joyous pallets around. Each twinkling star by night, each prism colour dancing of the nearby river aqua , each simple smooth petal of blazing colour never failed to inject the obsession beyond no other.A walk through the many tall trees, the feel of the moist fluffy grass which at times turned hard and rock-strewn..yet every slight touch of nature that the eye lay upon never disappointed.
Extraordinary it felt, how just a lone walk made the destination beyond the tall woods so clear, a destination filled with light, both bright and grey, a destination so right..right enough to feel like home.
Every next print in the damp mud felt like one, so much closer to where meaning to the entire walk had been. Where each misstep, each scar, felt a war mark.
With a hand that wished to paint a world of my very own, wrap it in my colours, drape it with the fabrics I longed to and make each corner my own, each inch, anothers home, each touch beyond any imaginable, each sight like none felt right..every single bit of it..
Perspective..yes..a big word for a small being..not so much at the end..end of a walk, a journey, a travel for, each stride there was a lesson, each stride there was a fall and each stride was what made clear..what must be followed is what one was born to crawl for what you can’t help loving..thats..Perspective!

materials : Acrylic Space Dyed Yarns
manufactured : Pearl Academy
Technique : knitting

THe MoonLightthe imaginary curtainSwatch1.the imaginary curtainFunk it Upthe imaginary curtainSwatch2.