‘QB’ telepresence robot

‘QB’  by anybots is a type of telepresence robot that allows users to have virtual ‘presence’  in places miles away. primarily geared towards office environments for long distance workers seeking a solution beyond teleconferencing or video chats to keep on top of their work, it could also be applied for emergency scenarios.

demonstration of ‘QB telepresence robot’

anybots: QB telepresence robot

this remote controlled bot is 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weighs in at 32lbs. it uses an intel 2 core duo CPU, with a 5 megapixel eye that relays its captured content to a browser based interface on a mac. additionally, a low-resolution 640-by-480 video screen helps to gather feedback on the location of the robot and the obstacles in front of it. ‘QB’ is installed with a BSD operating system that sustains the robot’s three motors; two of which control the wheels, and a third for its retractable kickstand that allows it to stop.

anybots: QB telepresence robot

anatomically, ‘QB’ features a wide base, a thin telescoping neck and a round bowl shaped head. it can travel up to a human speed of 3.5 mph using its 12-inch aluminum and rubber wheels. ‘QB’ is the first of a line of telepresence robots to be released into the market at a value of 15, 000 USD.