exterior view all images by amit geron
sarit shani hay and lev-gargir architects have collaborated on a education design project in the tel aviv suburbs in israel. the result is an uber-designed kindergarten which stands as a prototype for 21st century education. the design philosophy for the space was that the environment children grow up strongly reflects how their sensibilities develop and that childhood should be celebrated. therefore the space was developed to encourage children to be creative and sensitive, free and contained. it is a utopian school promoting education for imagination, sensitivity to one’s surroundings and to be original individuals.
the 1950s style of the original building served as the starting point for the interior design. the single-storey structure is divided into public spaces: lobby/entrance hall, creative zone, exercise studio and library, and has four classrooms, each feature a different theme: ocean, nature, transportation and majestic kingdom. every room has an exit to the outdoor yard. the full school property is comprised of 1000 sqm (0.25 acres), and the school building has a footprint of some 400 sqm (4300 sq ft.).
exterior view
outdoor space
exterior view
interior view
sustainability, practicality and budget were the main factors influencing the design. the entire school is carpeted in light blue PVC drawing on the 1950s educational institutions. within the interior, there are custom cabinets, book shelves and large wooden interactive toys which all cater aesthetically and functionally to the children. the furniture has been constructed from plywood, formica and whole wood. the color scale is comprised of three core colors: blue, white and red, with natural wood hues. the palette is mean to evoke happiness and boldness, while keeping the environment calm, minimalist, focused and free of form-overload for ongoing, joyful play.