‘crystal tunnel’ made from 2km of optical fiber



‘lexus RX museum’

at: aoume minami-futo koen chika parking, tokyo
from: january 20 to february 15, 2009

opening on january 20 will be the ‘lexus RX museum’ in an underground parking lot in tokyo. to launch the new model lexus RX, japanese architectural firm curiosity together with swarovski have teamed up to create the RX (radiant xover) museum concept. consisting of four sections; crystal tunnel, crystal falls, crystal nature and the RX exhibition the concept aims to create a sensory experience. individuals will be able to drive through a crystal tunnel made from 2km of optical fiber, view the ‘RX’ waterfall consisting of 30 000 swarovski crystals and be introduced to three new lexus ‘RX’ models.



'lexus RX museum' by curiosity ‘lexus RX museum’



'lexus RX museum' by curiosity ‘RX’ waterfall



'lexus RX museum' by curiosity new ‘RX’ model featured in a digital light show part of crystal nature



more: http://www.curiosity.jp http://lexus.jp

related: C-1 by curiosity