located in kochi prefecture, japan is ‘yusuhara wooden bridge museum’ by tokyo and paris based practice, kengo kuma and associates. blending traditional japanese aesthetics with a contemporary language, the museum seeks to harmoniously coexist with its surrounding natural landscape.
all images courtesy of kengo kuma and associates
an arrangement of alternating and interwoven beams compose the wooden structure which appears to float in the air, supported by a single central pillar. two glass shafts flank each end, their translucent rectilinear bodies camouflaged into the vegetative background.
responding to the constrains of the site, the building features a sculptural triangulated form, which follows the contours of both the adjacent hill and neighboring structure. a solid glazed volume tops the permeable platform allowing the unit to gradually lighten and merge with its surroundings.
the overlapping layers of wood are translated onto the ceiling indoors where the same inverted triangle form is also evident. floor to ceiling glass panels enclose every side, providing the communal main hall and each collection room with views outwards.