‘w094t’ – LED table lamp by michael youngat the stockholm furniture fair lighting company wästberg launched four new lamps. the lamps have been designed by claesson koivisto rune, ilise crawford, michael young and carlo colombo.
for his ‘w094t’ LED table lamp michael young used processes borrowed from the bicycle industry. the arm of the design is extruded and stamped. the star shape stem pivots its way through 6 positions around a 360-degree axis.
‘w094t’ (detail) – LED table lamp by michael young
‘w094t’ (detail) – LED table lamp by michael young
‘w093w’ – halogen IRC wall lamp by studioilse
ilse crawford of studioilse developed a wall light that is based on the desk lamp light she developed last year fr the company. her new wall light works using a pulley system, so the shade can be adjusted to the desired height.
‘w093w’ – halogen IRC wall lamp by studioilse
‘w093w’ (detail) – halogen IRC wall lamp by studioilse
‘w092t’ – LED table lamp by carlo colombo
‘w092t’ – LED table lamp by carlo colombo
‘w091t’ – LED table lamp by claesson koivisto rune
the concept for rune’s lamp was using two halves, i.e. two feet. two lungs. two brain-halves. two eyes… supported and held together with a spine.
‘w091t’ – LED table lamp by claesson koivisto rune
‘w091t’ – LED table lamp by claesson koivisto rune
‘w091t’ – LED table lamp by claesson koivisto runehttp://www.wastberg.com