‘lacquered paper-objects’ by nendo for nilufar gallery, 2012
all images by masayuki hayashi and courtesy the designer
nendo has developed ‘lacquered paper-objects’, a collection of three-dimensionally printed paper-constructed series of containers
for nilfur gallery to be shown during milan design week 2012. the japanese design studio created each vessel by combining
sheets of paper, pasted together by a 3D printer and then carved by hand in their workshop. the final step to developing the
containers includes applying the piece’s exterior with a thick lacquer in order to adhere the edges of its accumulated paper shape.
the resulting object is a vessel carved from paper which greatly resembles the raw material from which the refined objects have been formed.
the lacquered paper-objects collection in full
the small containers have been shaped in various formations to hold objects of many dimensions
the two components stay joined by means of the inner lip of the bottom piece
a single lacquered paper object
the small containers in the beginning stages of their formation
to complete the paper-constructed three dimensional objects, a layer of lacquer is applied to solidify the surface