author: juliette guépratte, isabelle bourgeois, dominique alba, marie darrieussecq publisher: archibooks and sautereau print year: 2008 size: 501 pages, 16.3 x 23.15 cm ISBN: 978-2-35733-035-1 _________________________________________________________________________________________
designboom rating:
BUILDING. building is the absolute culmination: seeing if something works. I’m a bit disgusted by the systems of representation we’re seeing now, in which everything is deceptive, everything is false. human shelter is the ultimate goal, we musn’t forget that. architecture clearly resides in a sentence that talks about it, in paper arguments, but we mustn’t lose sight of the human element behind that. – edouard francois
content ‘B2B2SP’ is the first monograph on the architectural and design work of edouard francois. known for his green architecture his work focuses on matter, context, use, economy and ecology, following the preoccupations of sustainable development. the book features francois individual and collaborative projects from 1993 to 2008. illustrated extensively is his ‘growing building’ house from 2000 in montpellier, france – the project which francois gained international acclaim for. from social housing made with chestnut slatting to resort suites woven with straw each project is a true testament of francois environmental plight.
is it for me? the book is beautifully illustrated with images of drawings, models, and completed projects of francois’ amazing buildings. even if you’re not an architectural buff you can definitely appreciate his work. — see more designboom book reports —
immeuble qui pousse (growing building) montpellier, france 2000 / client: michel troncin – private commission / 69 housing units at the edge of the city facing the lez river / completed project / stones held in stainless steel wire netting, gold paint, plywood, plane trees and laurels
immeuble qui pousse (growing building) montpellier, france 2000 / client: michel troncin – private commission / 69 housing units at the edge of the city facing the lez river / hut on 3 poles / completed project / stones held in stainless steel wire netting, gold paint, plywood, plane trees and laurels
immeuble qui pousse (growing building) montpellier, france 2000 / client: michel troncin – private commission / 69 housing units at the edge of the city facing the lez river / fertilising the facades with pig slurry / stones held in stainless steel wire netting, gold paint, plywood, plane trees and laurels
immeuble qui pousse (growing building) montpellier, france 2000 / client: michel troncin – private commission / 69 housing units at the edge of the city facing the lez river / first shoots / stones held in stainless steel wire netting, gold paint, plywood, plane trees and laurels
social housing louviers, france 2006 / client: plaine normande – direct commisssion / 18 housing units in normandy / main building: entrance hall and balcony / completed project / chestnut slatting, wood, bio-bricks
social housing louviers, france 2006 / client: plaine normande – direct commisssion / 18 housing units in normandy / interior staircase / completed project / chestnut slatting, galvanised locks
social housing louviers, france 2006 / client: plaine normande – direct commisssion / 18 housing units in normandy / rear facades / completed project / chestnut slatting, wood, bio-bricks