speech bubbles, 2005

french artist, sammy engramer questions the relationships between art and language by mining the unconscious, equivocal, and humorous. engramer’s work includes painting, sculpture, and photography, as well as books and videos. no matter the medium, his work invariably concentrates on the object as such, which it implements with utmost precision and an eye for optimum simplicity, verging on the ready-made, in an attempt to avoid a ‘signature style’, or even thematic continuity.

sammy engramer partition, 2008

sammy engramer partition, 2008 (detail)

sammy engramer a great opening for the XXIst century, 1994-2008

sammy engramer K, 2006

sammy engramer rwurt, 2006


sammy engramer: http://sammy.engramer.free.fr — via vvork