‘nutcrackers’ by jennifer rubell, 2011 a view picturing the dallas contemporary installation of the work all images © andrew ryan shephard
new york city-based artist jennifer rubell has developed a collection of eighteen pre-fabricated female mannequins which have been reinterpreted to become life-size nutcrackers. each of the barbie-like lady sculptures have been positioned on their sides atop a pedestals with their legs slightly splayed– when the left leg is pulled down to meet the right, the hard shell of a nut placed between the figures legs is cracked open. visitors interact with each piece by placing a nut upon the inner thigh of the mannequin, in a small circular indentation outfitted with serrated metal strip imbedded within the shallow space. the piece prompts the viewer to interact with its form– participating in the useful function of the work.
the artist shapes the piece from ‘nutcrackers depicting female figures – and in particular one found on the internet of hillary clinton– these interactive sculptures embody the two polar stereotypes of female power: the idealized, sexualized nude female form; and the too-powerful, nut-busting überwoman’.
a perspective showing the back of one piece
a detailed view of the place in which the visitor places the nut
a wide installation view
four figures from the nutcracker collection
‘lea I’ by jennifer rubell, 2012 at the frieze art fair in NYC by agent j loves nyc
one of the manequin from the nutcracker collection entitled ‘lea I’ is on display at the frieze art fair in new york city now.
‘jennifer rubell’s nutcracker at freieze new york’ by paper magazine/DB burkeman