a submission to ‘dear photograph’ by founder taylor jones. the caption reads, ‘dear photograph, i looked good in a tux.’ by @TJ

dear photograph is a web-based project by canadian artist taylor jones, calling for people to ‘take a picture of a picture from the past, in the present’ by recapturing the sites of old photographs. each image has a caption that begins with ‘dear photograph,’ followed by a memory– sometimes poignant, often funny– sharing nostalgic images layered in time.

readers are invited to submit their own ‘dear photographs’ by email to dearphotograph@gmail.com.

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, grandma loved this beach.’ by dan perry

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, I wish I could still have a lemonade stand business.’ by @xandyevans

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, any idea where them dinosaur shorts are at?’ by @onemethoddotcom

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, chinatown use to be livelier.’ by @applesundae

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, i wonder which parent let us up there?’ by @bedaub

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, I’ll always remember the summers in that truck.’

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, that’s love.’ by @mithical

taylor jones: dear photograph ‘dear photograph, dad never took a picture of me, ever. then I noticed his reflection in the glass. happy father’s day, dad.’

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