touch bionics app-controlled prosthetic handimage courtesy touch bionics
the ‘i-limb ultra revolution’ by american company touch bionics provides the ability to gradually increase the strength of its grip on an object. utilizing pulsing and ‘vari-grip’ features, the prosthetic hand implements a firmer hold when conducting tasks such as tying shoelaces or holding a heavy bag securely. a wide selection of automated grips and gestures aid users in completing daily tasks; including index points for typing, precision pinch mode for grabbing small objects – or natural hand position for walking or while at rest. equipped with a biosim software application, the assistive device can be controlled via smartphone, allowing instant access to 24 different clasp patterns. as each finger bends at the natural joints, the aluminum-built prosthetic accurately adapts around the shape of an object with greater ease and flexibility. after a period of inactivity, the handautomatically retracts to a natural position.
the prosthetic features precision pinch mode for gripping small objectsimage courtesy touch bionics
a wide selection of automated grips and gestures aid users in completing daily tasksimage courtesy touch bionics
as each finger bends at the natural joints, the hand accurately adapts around the shape of the object users to grasp with greater ease and flexibility. image courtesy touch bionics
the prothetic hand implements a firmer hold when conducting tasks such as tying shoelaces or holding a heavy bag securely.image courtesy touch bionics
‘i-limb ultra revolution’ prosthetic detailimage courtesy touch bionics