york university sends messages with vodka using molecular communication




two researchers from york university have successfully text messaged ‘O canada’ using vodka, sending the chemical signal four meters across the lab with the aid of a tabletop fan. using a method also known as molecular communication, the programmable experiment uses chemical signalling from the evaporated alcohol found in vodka. the message is demodulated by a receiver that measures the rate of change in concentration of the alcohol molecules, picking up whether the signal strength increases or decreases. ‘we believe we have sent the world’s first text message to be transmitted entirely with molecular communication, controlling concentration levels of the alcohol molecules to encode the alphabet, with single spray representing bits and no spray representing the bit zero,’ says nariman farsad, experiment leader.


to read more on the full study here.



text messages sent with vodka using molecular communication

reciever components



text messages sent with vodka using molecular communication

transmitter components



text messages sent with vodka using molecular communication

transmitted and received text message

