
house on a tip is a concept design for a tropical dwelling in manzanillo, mexico. the volume of the house emerges from its location on a truncated hill, seeking to become the missing tip.

the house is organized around a sunken courtyard that serves not only as the core of activities and circulations but also as a climate control system.

inside the courtyard, two opposing volumes that appear to be floating over the vegetation stand out. the house common activities take place in them, the living area for guests with transparent qualities and the living area for the family within an opaque volume.

the hierarchy of the spaces is obtained not by the use of walls, but by variations in the ceiling heights, creating spaces with unique spatial qualities and minimizing the use of horizontal elements that could obstruct the views of the pacific ocean.

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip exterior view

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip bedroom

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip dining room

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip site plan

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip (top left) west elevation (bottom right) south elevation

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip (top left) east elevation (bottom right) north elevation

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip floor plan / ground level

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip floor plan / underground level

jorge gonzalez: house on a tip (top left) section b (bottom right) section a