modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london royal albert hall



using drawing qualities and influences from city maps from british cartographers of the early 1800s, designers taige zhang and anna butler developed a grand map of london using various existing up-to-date geographic data sources including those from open street maps. after seeking advice from experts across england and poland including antique map dealers, professors, other modern-day cartographers, paper experts, and shoemakers – a huge london canvas wall map was conceived, spanning almost 2 meters in an authentic 1800’s british styled birds-eye view illustration.



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london waterloo



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london london shard



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london hyde park artwork



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london london guide detail



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london grand map in hotel



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london sketching the map



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london traveller’s london map



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london package design



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london early draft



modern 1800s hand drawn grand wall map of london early draft



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.