The imprint logo

The imprint logo by Silvia Leone from italy

designer's own words:

the idea starts from the concept of “skin”, especially that of our hands. i realized this logo thinking about the habitude to hold my moleskine in my hands, for every thing i need to write or to draw in whichever kind of situation. the notebook become figuratively an extension of our hands and of our creations, what ever they are. just touching the notebook give us the security to imprint our personalities everytime we need.
the “imprint – logo” that i propose, is analyzed in two kinds of composition: the first show the simple imprint where in the centre is clear the “m” of moleskine; in the second i put the “imprint –logo” and the title on the same line. both solutions could have various colour combinations.

1st solution: black on white

1_imprint_white_on_black.gif 1st solution: white on black

2_imprint_green.gif 2nd solution: green

2_imprint_white_on_black.gif 2nd solution: white on black