Renault R4 Recreation of an Icon by ivo lajner from brazil
designer's own words:
This is a redesign of the original R4 considering new trends in auto market. In order to make it interesting, it was created having current modern compact cars in mind, with the intention to make it an icon, just like a Beetle or a MiniCooper. For that, the original unique caracteristics were given enphasis and translated into new modern shapes, but in a way tha it can also have timeless design, and therefore survive for a long period of time without major changes.
Regarding susteinability, the idea is having all its plastics made from sugarcane, so that parts can be replaced and thrown back to nature to be transformed in fertilizers, and also increase the lifetime of the car itself.
front with circular headlights inside dark rectangle feeling.
rear with vertical trunk and lamps like the original