omo by hichang ki from korea
designer's own words:
1. Riding in Seoul
Seoul is the city which has well-developed public transportation system so as to applying the link system between bicycle and the public transportation. Therefore we suggest the public bicycle ‘OMO’- the simplest way to riding from private starting point to public ending point for citizen.
Seoul is the city of the history, the vitality, and the human. While riding on the ‘OMO’, we can find the hidden attractive points at Seoul easily. The opportunity to rediscovery of Seoul will be given not only to the visitors, foreigners, also to the Seoul citizen by using the OMO as the easy steps of Seoul Tour.
2. Han River
The Han river offers the comfortable resting riverside area for the citizen by placing the ecological parks, easy to access by bicycle. Through the Han riverside’s perfect road, Seoul gives the basic & ecological bicycle road to the citizen.
From old times, the Han river has been symbolized the life of Seoul. As the ecological network of four cardinal directions, the Han river functions as a place where can unite the whole Seoul, and the platform of the future growth engine.
3. ”OMO”
We used the form of curved flowing Han river. The general shape forms the organic, streamlined ‘M’. Also the cross section of frame is designed as slim ellipse which can reduce the air resistance. The dynamic point we gave here, is the colored red at rim.
The 3 meanings of ‘OMO’; The frame symbolizes the history of Seoul and also the Han river; The red wheel means vitality; The action of working a pedal stands for the human. We put the symbolic meaning, “history & vitality & human city, Seoul” into the ‘OMO’.
Apart from the meaning of shape, the frame has various structural strengths. For giving the forces as variously, streamlined frame has different width of cross section parts. Especially we considered the pedal’s cross section, which connects the front and the back of bicycle. For this part, we made the frame cross section wide, finished the simple design without reinforcement frame. With these structures, the bicycle’s central weight goes down – so the security of driving is improved, also it helped to the old and the infirm or the women for using bicycle comfortable.
OMO perspective view
OMO projection view
OMO concept