mobile booth by hyung jin choi from korea
designer's own words:
In modern times, the technology development effected in many different items. It also changed greatly in phone usage behaviors. People used "Telephone Booth" when they were in public spaces. However, cell phone using population increased in great number, they merely use telephone booth. Just take a look around.... You may find lots of telephone booth in any where without doing their duties. They are changing from "Public Space" to "Dead Space". Phone booth has a big advantage in many ways. First, it has a great accessibility in location. Second is that it has telephone network that may link between the booth and the private cell phone. The last issue is that it is connected to the electricity, so that any machine may be useable.
Urban transportation has different scale in length that covers the distance. Metro takes 800M~1.5KM. Bus takes 200~800M. Phone booth are located in closer distances. Therefore reusing the booth as the cycle booth, new transportation may cover up the small scale to large scale of distances that any other public transportation can't.
reuse of the phone booth
using menual