LE GRAND PRIX DU CARRÉ HERMÈS is an international competition aimed at professional artists and designers. applications opened in march 2019 on designboom, and almost 5,500 candidates tried their luck, exceeding expectations by far. amongst these talents, 97 were chosen on the basis of their portfolio and were then asked to create a scarf design.
in late september 2019, a jury chaired by Pierre-Alexis Dumas, artistic director of Hermès, chose 11 finalists from all around the world: hong kong, thailand, korea, japan, uruguay, united states, england, belgium and france. their 11 drawing proposals reflect the eclecticism of the competition, which brought together candidates of all ages and training backgrounds.
the 11 finalists at Hermès store located in paris at 24, faubourg-saint-honoré on november 20, 2019
at the end of november, Hermès invited the finalists to spend three days in france, in paris and lyon. the designers were able to immerse themselves in the universe of the house in order to better understand it. they were introduced to the long history of Hermès’ drawings, and taught about the processes behind making a scarf. they also had a personal interview with the artistic direction at the graphic design and drawings studio in order to finalize their scarf design.
the final jury will convene again to choose the laureate(s), whose name(s) will be revealed on march 1, 2020. these scarf designs will be as part of a future silk collection.