dear paul stool by dear and paul muguet
photo courtesy of dear


as part of this year’s abierto mexicano de diseñodear have collaborated with the artist paul muguet on a collection of wooden stools called ‘dear paul’. each of the 5 designs feature different structures beneath the seat that are painted with pastel colors. the pieces can also be stacked to form shelving.


dear paul by dear and paul muguet will be on show  at librería porrúa justo sierra in the downtown of mexico city until november 16.



X framed version of the ‘dear paul’ stool – paine wood with yellow, pink, blue and green paint
photo courtesy of dear


each of the 5 designs feature different structures beneath the seat that are painted with pastel colors.
photo courtesy of dear


photo courtesy of dear


photo courtesy of dear


photo courtesy of dear


the pieces will be on show  at librería porrúa justo sierra in the downtown of mexico city until november 16.
photo © designboom


photo © designboom


all the stools have the same seat / top
photo © designboom



the pieces can also be stacked to form colorful shelving
photo courtesy of dear