the ‘aperture wrench’ is a tool with the aim of helping the user have their desired size, while reducing the number of tools required. by utilizing the mechanical motion found in the aperture of a camera, the single wrench can fit a broad range of nut diameters. created by industrial design student jordan steranka, he promises that this universal wrench design should remove the need for carrying around a heavy tool box.
left – aperture wrench | right – camera lens aperture
all images © jordan steranka
as a photography hobbyish, jordan steranka was fascinated by the ‘diaphragm’ iris mechanism found in camera optics, controlling the amount of light entering the lens. in the same fashion, the industrial designer has taken this traditional photographic technology and reapplied it to the ‘aperture wrench’. the size can be controlled by simply rotating the red dial sat on top of the tool, and when it reaches the right diameter, press the ‘lock’ button located on the side. similarly to the camera, there is also a flash. located just beneath the aperture mechanism, the red power button can brighten up dark work environments.