‘tekio lamp’ by anthony dickens all images courtesy of anthony dickens studio
london-based anthony dickens studio has designed ‘tekio’, a modular framed paper lighting system that gives the user the flexibility to customize their lamps. meaning ‘adaptable’ in japanese, the light is made from separate units that can be connected and disconnected from each other using the connective ring at the ends of each cylinder. combined with the adjustability of the folded paper tubes, a variety of shapes and formations can be created. since components snap open, this also allows the user to easily replace the bulb.
although the current models are still prototypes, the lamp will be for sale next year.
two lamps tied into a knot
framed and folded paper allows for bendable segments
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the segments can be attached to a wall to create sconces
circular pendant forms constructed from six units
adaptability makes it ideal for small spaces
any amount of parts can be clipped together to create a variety of forms