canopy by alex buckman floats 3D printed lights in the air
all images courtesy of alex buckman
alex buckman‘s ‘canopy’ rejects the rigidity of traditional lighting systems. developed for his industrial design masters thesis at victoria university of wellington in new zealand, the project explores the notions of how LED technology and 3D printing can create an adaptable and portable network to benefit the well-being of the user and provide an interactive space. each fixture features a thin supporting structure that can be connected to any of the aluminum ports in the base depending on the needs and location of the user. this is possible through the use of lightweight and low-voltage electronics.
the components are easily to handle
the bulbs are housed by 3D printed diffusers which take on organic forms made up of fractal patterns – geometries found throughout nature such as splitting crystals, splintering lungs, rivers, leaves, branches and snowflakes. these decorations have been proven to have positive psychological effects on people, as they are ingrained in the evolution of the human race. thus, buckman says, ‘it was important that this lighting system benefited the user both in functionality and general wellbeing to provoke the idea of how we design objects for interior spaces in the future.’
a group of lights
detail of the base
the lighting system within a dark space
individual fixtures with different diffusers
a rendered common space with the system floating above the tables
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.