RENAULT 4EVER, RENEWABLE 4EVER by Benet Dalmau from spain

designer's own words:

The history of the Renault R4 is full of famous moments, early starting with its conception in the fifties. Renault wanted a vehicle that was easy to drive and easier to maintain.
The idea we present is a reinterpretation of the classic Renault R4 regarding the shape, with which it doesn’t share mechanical components, but it does share the inspiration in the classic lines and the remembrance of the old in its interior design, taking several significant elements such as the dashboard shape or the steering wheel.

Our aim is to create an entirely versatile and efficient machine for any occasion.

The car uses just a thin coating of paint based on the nanosolar cell technology, to take light and convert it into electricity, which is directly sent to the hydrogen batteries of the car. The system uses no silicon, which was traditionally linked to solar panels, and is thus both economical and sustainable.

The external system of moving scales converts the friction of the air and the kinetic energy of the car into the movement of the cells. This movement is then transformed into electricity and accumulated in the hydrogen batteries of the car.


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