walter hugo & zoniel hide glowing jellyfish tank in an abandoned building
all images courtesy of gazelli art house




on a quiet street in liverpool, a derelict building in the toxteth district amazes passers-by with an unusual sight installed within an otherwise abandoned site. artist duo walter hugo & zoniel have placed a massive, glowing water tank filled with live, luminous jellyfish behind an unused storefront shutter, automatically opening at 10:00 in the evening to reveal the ethereal creatures to the street.

jellyfish tank by walter hugo zoniel
passers-by gaze at the glowing tank of jellyfish




‘the physical possibility of inspiring imagination in the mind of somebody living’ is a temporary, site-specific work presented by the gazelli art house, alongside the liverpool biennial. every evening from now until july 27th, the psychedelic display of deep sea swimmers is exposed to the public, inviting the community to generate interest in, and ownership of, the creative project. rather than promote the site through press and marketing, the artist’s have intentionally, quietly opened the installation for the residents of the area, in order to allow people to experience the surreal situation with genuinely fresh eyes.

jellyfish tank by walter hugo zoniel
the work is installed in an abandoned building in liverpool




part of the project sees the gazelli art house in london live-streaming a video from within the jellyfish tank. using the facade of the building as a virtual screen, viewers will be able see the installation in toxteth projected onto the dover street gallery. walter hugo & zoniel will also be displaying photographic works that record the project’s development and completion.

jellyfish tank by walter hugo zoniel
at 10:00 pm each evening, an open gate reveals the glowing installation

jellyfish tank by walter hugo zoniel
a live stream from the jellyfish tank



jelly fish live stream
video courtesy of neal bryant

walter hugo & zoniel hide glowing jellyfish tank in an abandoned building
the live stream, presented on the exterior of the gazelli art house in london