in celebration of mother’s day in the UK, and in hopes of raising awareness around the social stigmas of breastfeeding, a london-based creative agency added a surprising, oversized breast to the streets of shoreditch. as part of its #freethefeed campaign, mother topped an ordinary brick building in the east london district with an enormous, inflatable breast-shaped balloon. nearby, flyers posted on the walls offered insight into the pop-up initiative’s intent, elaborating on its objective to spread a social message, rather than to merely induce shock.

mother london breast
the giant inflatable intends to raise awareness around the social stigmas of breastfeeding
image courtesy of mother london



the insertion of the round inflatable anatomy aimed to generate a conversation about motherhood, specifically the stigmas that surround breastfeeding. mother london explains the campaign’s intent in more detail in a blog post: ‘it’s hard to believe that in 2017, UK mothers still feel watched and judged when feeding in public, by bottle or breast. this was our mother’s day project. a celebration of every woman’s right to decide how and where they feed their children without feeling guilty or embarrassed about their parenting choices.’

mother london breast
the pop-up campaign took place in celebration of mother’s day in the UK 
image by @sophxthompson

mother london breast
the installation formed part of the agency’s #freethefeed campaign
photo by kathryn louise geels / @ghelcreative

the oversized breast made quite a statement on the streets of shoreditch
image courtesy of mother london

