kyle bean: what came first and new work ‘what came first?‘chicken made from eggshells
british designer kyle bean specialises in hand made models, sets and tactile illustrations. his work is extraordinarily detailed and uses a range of everyday materials and found objects including paper, wood and even eggshells. here is new work born out of conceptual thinking and craftsmanship. kyle bean is represented by blinkart .
‘what came first?‘ close-up
‘what came first?‘ close-up
the making of ‘what came first?‘
mens health ‘heart’ a paper anatomical heart created for an article about heart disease in mens health magazine. photography: owen silverwood
CUT magazine: ‘soft guerilla’ a series of weapons made from harmless materials. photography: sam hofman
CUT magazine: ‘soft guerilla’ a series of weapons made from harmless materials. photography: sam hofman
the making
‘tube map’ zone one of the london underground map made from drinking straws. photos: jean-luc brouard
zone one of the london underground map made from drinking straws
‘belt drive’ a playful construction of branded leather belts for intersection magazine. photography: sam hofman
project sketch
dozens of paper cuts, hundreds of models and an infinite amount of patience … the making of ‘just add fuel’ for peugeot.