‘bratislava culenova new city center’ by zaha hadid, bratislava, slovakiaimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
scheduled for completion in 2013, zaha hadid‘s ‘bratislava culenova city center’ will surely transform the identity of the slovakian metropolis. a matrix of circular and ovular patterns divides the square site into a series of fluid paths and footprints around a decommissioned power plant.extruded residential and office towers grow taller towards the perimeter of the plot, while mid-rise pavilion-scale structures better adapt tothe human scale. the facades of the elliptical towers are characterized by an orthogonal structural grid exhibited on a variety of scales with a slight gradient of solidity that exposes the spaces as they grow taller. green spaces become sculptural circulation elements that tie all of the programstogether on an urban scale, engages the user.
engaging site featuresimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
circular towersimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
digital displayimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
museum next to the decommissioned power plantimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
siteimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
bird’s eye view – nightimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
museum interiorimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
exhibition spaceimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
image courtesy of zaha hadid architects
elevationimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
elevationimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
elevationimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
section perspectiveimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
section perspectiveimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
digital structural modelimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
axonometric of structural elementsimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
structural detailimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
diagram of green spaceimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
circulation diagramimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
site planimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
floor plan / typical residentialimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
floor plan / typical officeimage courtesy of zaha hadid architects
project info:
name: bratislava culenova new city centrelocation: bratislava, slovakiaconstruction period: 2010 – 2013developer: penta investments limited
designgross floor area: 150,000 sqmm2offices: 66,550 sqmhousing: 69,805 sqmcultural: 5,000 sqm
phase 1(office tower, restaurant pavilion, underground parking)height of tower: 115mGFA (above ground): 43,560 m2 (29 floors)GFA (underground): 15,945 m2 (2 floors)office space: 34,568 m2restaurant: 1,327 m2retail: 1,084 m2