evan shieh + ali chen propose blue tape architecture school in dubai
all images courtesy of evan shieh + ali chen




re-imagining the typical architectural school typology, evan shieh + ali chen have won the AC-CA competition for their proposal, ‘blue tape’. located next to the american university of dubai, the core of the project sees a giant slit through the middle with offices and studios positioned to the sides. the transparent façade is based on the concept of a ‘pin-up’ space – an area in most schools where students share their ideas, collaborate and participate in academic critique.


integrated into the structure of high-rise, the typically horizontal display area becomes a vertical feature, forming a strong visual and physical connection with the surrounding environment. as one journeys through the interior of the building the rest of the activities are orientated around the void, highlighting the symbolic and public expression of a continuous space for academia.


the tower integrates the idea of a ‘pin-up’ space into its form



the studios are ramped in a continuous spiral around the open circulation feature, and have an open-plan that allows maximum flexibility for the varying needs of future classes. the offices for the professors are directly adjacent to the workplaces on every level, providing an integrated educational environment. public outdoor terraces are inserted as nodes to help foster social and academic interaction between students, their peers, and their instructors.

northwest façade showing the offices and studios


evan shieh + ali chen propose blue tape architecture school in dubai
looking down the interior pin-up space and atrium void


evan shieh + ali chen propose blue tape architecture school in dubai
view of the elevated pedestrian path, which connects to the adjacent campus and metro station




evan shieh + ali chen propose blue tape architecture school in dubai
form development diagrams


evan shieh + ali chen propose blue tape architecture school in dubai
concept diagrams



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.