dRMM: exeter royal academy for deaf education all images © drmm
UK firm dRMM were commissioned by the exeter royal academy for deaf education to undertake a feasibility study to explore redevelopment options for how the instituion could best meet the needs of the deaf community in exeter and the south west of england.
the interior
dRMM worked closely with the academy’s mission statement: excel educationally, acquire language, develop socially and emotionally and achieve independence to design their proposal which visualizes connectivity, ICT integration, flexibility and sustainability.
floor plan
on the microscale they have explored teaching arrangements and space characteristics for different activities, particularly those required to support communication; on the macroscale they have considered how the academy can redefine itself, creating a critical mass for deaf learning, living and culture, while offering opportunities for integration, exchange and synergy with the larger hearing community.
overview of level 0 (upper ground)
overview of level +1
one of the existing rooms
ideas board
project info:
type: special needs education / inclusion scope: new build status: pre planning location: exeter, UK client: exeter royal academy for deaf education architect: dRMM