‘aqueduct house’ by branch studio architects, victoria, australiaall images courtesy of branch studio architects




australian practice branch studio architects have recently completed their aqueduct house, aptly named for its location deep in the bushland surroundedby an aqueduct reserve. a rammed earth wall grounds the project into the site, creating a datum from which two axes of converge in an interplayof light and space. the earthen tones are reflected through this anchoring element, complemented by naturally patinated steel cladding and timbersiding. two overlaying rectangles make up the plan of the residence, where the resultant forms become exterior terraces facing north or roof planesfor the glazed envelope below. interior triangular spaces are mostly open to each other, only subdividing for private functions such as the bedroomsor bathrooms. large panes of glass constantly put the user in direct contact with the exterior, as well as the several open fire places and the externalpizza oven in the earthen wall lend to an outdoors lifestyle.




branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australiabackside of the home



branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australiaprotruding roof plane shades the interior



branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australiaconvergence of two axes; steel, wood, and rammed earth



branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australiavoid in the floor lets in natural light along the rammed earth wall where two rectangles meet




branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australia

branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australiafloor plan / level 01. entry2. dining3. living room4. kitchen5. bedroom6. bathroom7. laundry8. study9. deck



branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australiafloor plan / level 1



branch studio architects: aqueduct house, australiapreliminary sketch